About the author and the site

Dear friends, I sincerely welcome you to my site!

Олександр Чернишенко - консультант по соціоніці та діагностиці життєвого призначенняMy name is Chernyshenko Oleksandr. 20 years ago, I became acquainted with socionics as an interesting typology of people that explained to me the behavior of people and the differences in relations between them. During this time, I learned a lot, received a number of achievements and disappointments in an attempt to explain all the patterns of relationships between people. And gradually came to the conclusion that man is a very complex system and it is difficult to explain his behavior by only one typology, a comprehensive approach is needed. Later, there was an interest in another typology - psyche-yoga, and later - the esoteric method of diagnosis. Later - interest in Jyotish or Vedic astrology. And at some point I felt that I needed to share my knowledge and experience with other people and help them get to know themselves. That's how this site came about.

What is the mission of this site?

This site is designed to help you learn about yourself, to understand your innate strengths and weaknesses, your dominant energies, to determine your direction and path of life, to better understand your attitudes and aspirations of others, to help you find your complimentary halves and kindred spirits, for you to realize your place in this world.

Get to know yourself and you will know the whole world!Типування Інфо - Пізнай себе!