Zodiac Signs in Jyotish: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Today we continue to describe the lagna or ascending zodiac sign in Vedic astrology, and talk about the following 6 lagnas: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Lagna or ascendant is the zodiac sign Libra
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, this is her second sign of possession after Taurus. Therefore, Teresa is also endowed with Venusian features, in addition, it is an air sign, so Teresa is a mobile person.
The main features of Libra are balance, finding the unity of opposites. It is this zodiac sign, like no other, has a tendency to find the middle, it is prone to peace, harmony, balance. He is the ideal conciliator, the one who connects opposites and conflicting parties. He understands one side and the other side of the conflict very well, and his key concept is to be in the middle.
There are usually a lot of conflicts around this zodiac sign, because its task is to combine the incompatible, to reconcile the irreconcilable, and they, as the "doctors" of this situation, find themselves in the right place at the right time. If they do their job, then they are in their place and they are fine. And if they leave the conflict and run away from their duties as armistices - it's bad. But the universe will still involve them in these conflicts, but even then they will be to blame for them.
They know how to comfort, inspire, are always very positive and easily adapt to any situation, to any thoughts. They may be offended by this and are called - rolling field, for their variability and lack of opinion. They really may not have this opinion. They belong to the element of air and simply live in a stream: where the wind blows, there it is. And this is their strength, this is how they should live: to be light, weightless, pliable, fluid, flexible.
Libra are excellent diplomats. They are good at seeing everything ahead, three-dimensionally and from all sides. They have a kind of balance, sophistication, they are excellent intermediaries and in the team you need to use them for their intended purpose, then their effectiveness will be one hundred percent.
Adverse features of Libra: too much contradiction, when you really need to show, make some thoughts and decisions, and it is difficult to agree with them, they can’t decide. They may also tend to fix everything, even when it is no longer needed. Conflicts can be avoided too much, and this too can sometimes be a bust when the conflict is ripe and necessary. They can avoid responsibility because of their variability, they are capricious, inefficient, indecisive, and agree with everything.
Libra usually looks good, well-groomed, stylish, they have a graceful body, these features and a sense of taste gives them Venus. Libra - soft, polite, kind, gentle, very contact, sociable, enterprising, they have an artistic and intuitive character, a volatile taste that changes with the mood. This sign is also characterized by duality and variability, as well as Gemini. They should accept these traits and then it is much easier for them to live in this life.
Libra - great friends, love to be friends and be partners, for them marriage is the foundation of success, so they will rely on family relationships and are great partners.
Lagna or ascendant - the zodiac sign Scorpio
The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars, it gives Scorpios a desire for transformation, a desire to change something in this world, to explore. Scorpios are usually constant, they are focused on the unknown, they want to explore the "underwater currents", the depth, and they will guide people to this depth. These are the people who "have a sting in their tail", this sting contains poison and therefore they can bite another. These are the people who are very "sorry", they can use the word "kill" a person. It is important for them to understand that the poison they contain is important and necessary: it can "kill" or it can resurrect, heal from the incurable. And Scorpio can actually heal, but when he is in the mode of goodness, when he already understands his power and consciously uses it.
This person always sees weak, blind areas of people that other people cannot see and hits right there. And when Scorpio is in the mode of ignorance, then he does it through sarcasm, confusion, stings in the most painful place. When he is in goodness, he sees this weakness, but at the same time begins to motivate the person, he helps him get rid of this weakness and supports. Thus Scorpio leads other people to the transformation of consciousness. It shows where a person's blind spot is, where the point that needs transformation is, where he has a hidden pain that he does not want to see, to raise to the surface, which he hides from himself and from everyone around him. And when Scorpio helps a person to pull out this "rolling pin", then he gains strength and the person is healed.
Usually Scorpios are committed, they deeply feel other people. In ignorance and Scorpio can control, slander, punish, criticize, control others, showing the fiery nature and intemperance of Mars. Also in ignorance, Scorpios see everything in the darkest light - they are the biggest pessimists who infect everyone else with their pessimism. At a high level of consciousness he has a developed intuition, a deep spiritual foundation and the ability to heal other people.
Scorpios have the most insightful look, they seem to see what you do not want to show them. They also have a strong character, iron will, courage, in relationships they have a certain limit: either they love very passionately, or they hate and in this case a worse enemy than Scorpio, it is difficult to find: they can beat so much that it almost seems. The most negative things in their lives are their anger, criticism, sarcasm, which lower them to negative levels of development.
Scorpios are great fighters, they do not avoid a sense of responsibility, conflict, discussion, they are hardy, they have a lot of dignity and perseverance.
They are mystical and secret. Among Scorpios are many astrologers and people associated with the occult, healers.
Lagna or ascendant - the zodiac sign Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a dual sign of fiery nature, ruled by Jupiter, one of the most spiritual signs of the zodiac. The key concept of Sagittarius is the struggle for freedom and justice, the focus on truth, justice, truth and legality.
Of the favorable traits Sagittarius has idealism, courage, self-confidence. Archers are energetic, truthful, usually looking for reasons, moral and humane.
Also, the characteristics of their character include generosity, free-thinking, they are open, generous, friendly, truthful and fair. Usually their life is simple and dignified, they do not concentrate on material goods, but nevertheless they have them. Archers are independent, active, cheerful, they are great athletes (flexible) and fast. Sometimes they are unceremonious and too fiery, passionate about other people, and sometimes - calm and balanced, it all depends on what kind of guna a person is, what level of consciousness he has.
Sagittarians usually follow etiquette and established rules: the rules of good manners adopted in this society, they uphold these rules, as well as respect the laws and respect traditions. They have a multifaceted mind, and, like no other, are able to perceive the Higher spiritual knowledge, they are the best clergymen.
Sagittarians are religious and in a negative, uneducated way they can descend to fanaticism. At the heart of their worldview is faith, contact with God, higher knowledge, but when they are in ignorance, they cling to some of their ideas, consider it only the most true and will push it hard and fanatically into the world, impose on others. Other unfavorable traits of Sagittarius: tactlessness, greed, irritability, unreliability.
Archers need frequent changes of scenery because they are a double sign.
Lagna or ascendant - the zodiac sign Capricorn
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn - a heavy planet responsible for our karma, so many of the characteristics of this sign correspond to the planet Saturn. The element of Capricorn is the Earth and it is one of the most enduring signs of the zodiac.
Capricorns focus on security, on achieving goals systematically and methodically. Like Taurus and Virgo, they are also workhorses in the team and are usually indispensable, often workaholics and people you can rely on.
They have practicality, method, stability, excellent organizational skills, they know how to serve other people, but still prefer solitude and peace. Capricorns are very faithful.
The sign of Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house of the horoscope and to work, succeed and teach at work. Accordingly, for them, career, work, social realization are very important, so in the team they should be used for these strengths of their character.
Often they are slow in their work, but still achieve their goals and they need to be allowed to go at their own pace and pace. And if they are adjusted, it is difficult for them to work, perform their functions, there is also a danger of getting stuck on the little things. Like Virgos, they like to dig into every detail, get stuck in the little things, so they need someone who will think strategically.
They are usually silent, calm and tactful, they have stability and hard work, but there is a tendency to melancholy. Capricorns usually need approval, support, praise, so you should never skimp on positive feedback about them. If they do not receive feedback and confirmation that they are needed and important, they enter into melancholy and apathy.
They have a strong will and ambition, they are very frugal (although sometimes it comes to greed), and prudent.
Capricorns are strong and dangerous enemies. If Scorpio can openly sting the enemy in the most painful place, then Capricorn will go unnoticed, quietly do his job, wait, and in the most necessary mothe cop will strike, take cruel revenge and destroy the life of his enemy, and at the same time will not blink, calmly turn around and go on to do their business.
Adverse traits of Capricorns: suspicion, cruelty, selfishness, pessimism, are too slow in business and easily despair without good feedback, they can have many delays and shortcomings.
They can also be overworked and overworked, gloomy, detached from the whole team and inhuman. They lack passion in work and relationships. Because of this, their other halves can be offended by them, because they do not reveal their sensuality, they are cold and as if I do not know how to love. But at the same time, they have a good attachment and a sense of duty.
Lagna or ascendant - the zodiac sign Aquarius
Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is controlled by Saturn and belongs to the element of air and can communicate at a good level. Aquarius has a scientific mind, they have a lot of humanity, sincerity, ingenuity, very good intuition. Aquarius is often interested in politics, they are perceptive, able to empathize and able to adapt to any circumstances.
Aquarius always believes in some ideal that they have invented for themselves, or if they are in the mode of goodness, then it is a real ideal, they believe in the best in man.
Aquarius is often focused on innovations, novelties, new trends in society. They have a strong will, constant views, good intellectual abilities, good taste, scientific and literary interests.
Adverse traits of Aquarius are their impracticality, timidity, excessive openness or, conversely, excessive secrecy, they need order, they may not be able to adapt.
Aquarius loves to work, open and truthful, calm and loyal, good friends. Aquarius is prone to occultism and mysticism, to secret knowledge, like to dig into everything hidden, secret, covered with darkness and veil of mysticism. They are deep people who want to know more than they are shown on the surface.
Lagna or ascendant - the zodiac sign of Pisces
The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and belongs to the water element. Their key need is to pass on to the world the knowledge they possess. They have a good flow of consciousness: they speak as if in this flow, and they focus on trust in the world, on spiritual values, on the fact that each person has something valuable, beautiful, positive. Pisces are mystical, intuitive, they have a philosophical approach to life, a good level of contemplation of life. Pisces know how to comfort other people and are committed to the ideas of education and liberation of all people, all mankind. These are the people who aspire to Moksha (liberation) themselves, will succeed in spiritual practices and will lead others to do so.
These are deep people, mystics who possess knowledge and who understand the depths of world laws. They are friendly, generous, emotional and always ready to help, reach out and support. They are often asked for help and support, they are endowed with a rich imagination, very sociable. They have natural abilities for creativity, art.
In the positive Pisces are calm, good-natured, well-adjusted from the beginning, because everyone sees a positive beginning. Although in reality they see everything in people, including the negative, but they emphasize the positive, because they understand: where there is attention, there is energy to support other people in their positive traits.
Adverse traits of Pisces: procrastination, incoherent thinking, lack of confidence, a certain naivety, inability to plan their affairs, as well as lack of interest.
Pisces have their own dignity, they already understand who they really are, they have an intrinsic value inside and therefore they do not need confirmation from the outside.
They are Greek, pious, spiritually developed, mannered, sensual, intuitive, and they have healing abilities.