Jyotish: Houses 1-3 of the Horoscope (Characteristics)

Jyotish Vedic astrology - natal chart vedic

In the natal chart (on the schematic image of houses, planets and astrological signs of the horoscope) from the top in the middle there is house 1. Further counterclockwise in the map in order are other houses: from the 2nd to the 12th, and this numbering is constant, unchanged. The planets in the natal chart move clockwise.

The first house of the horoscope (Lagna bhava)

The first house of the horoscope (Lagna bhava) is responsible for our personality, our self, our appearance, our self-esteem, it shows how we see ourselves, how we feel, our character, our main traits, our health, vitality, energy, our charisma.

This is the most important house in our horoscope, because it is about our vitality and energy, about ourselves. If he is damaged, then accordingly a person is insecure, he has poor health, he can not realize himself in society.

The first house of the horoscope also shows the beginning of our life, it will show how you were born, what was the birth of your mother: difficult or easy, whether you were born quickly, whether there were obstacles at birth.

In the first house of the horoscope, you can also "read" how much a person will respect himself, accept, how positive he will be about himself, how successful he will be in life, realized and accepted in society.

If we evaluate the years of life, it is the first year of human life.

If you look at the body, it is the face and all visually visible, exposed parts of the body: arms, head, legs.

When the first house is damaged, a person may have diseases associated with visible parts of the body: such as psoriasis.

The indicator or karaka of this house is the Sun, which represents success and patronizes the first house.

To harmonize the first house (upaya) self-knowledge courses are used: psychology, psychoanalysis, any work with a psychologist, coach, everything that will help us explore and understand ourselves, raise our confidence, teach us to position ourselves in society, reveal to us our strengths and weaknesses.

The second house of the horoscope (Dhana bhava)

The second house of the horoscope (Dhana bhava) is the house of money, finances, parental family, language, food, as well as the house of wealth and movable property.

On the body, this house corresponds to the lips, the mouth, according to everything that comes out of us (language), and that enters us through the mouth (food). And what we eat also reflects our well-being: whether you eat delicious food or the day before yesterday's borscht - it all characterizes our level of financial prosperity.

If a person has a disease in the mouth, then there is some damage to the second house of the horoscope and it needs to be harmonized. Also, if there are financial problems, or problems with parents, with the language - these are also signs of problems in the second house of the horoscope.

To harmonize the second home, you need to heal the relationship with your parents, make them kinder and warmer. If a person has a problem in the parental family, he will not have financial prosperity, there will be no quality of life. Problems with a movable property are also possible. Even if there is money, they will still go with problems.

There will also be problems with the tongue, respectively, there will be a problem with the nasopharynx, throat, neck, diseases in these parts of the body.

To harmonize the second house of the horoscope, in particular the sphere of language, also requires oratory, vocals, singing, work on correct pronunciation. You can't use abusive words or speak in negative tones all the time. If you are always pessimistic, talk only about the bad, your house 2 is in a damaged condition. Therefore, you need to monitor the intonation, message, meaning of your words.

For any harmonization, we need other people who specialize in help and support: psychologists, coaches, coaches. Who will help you go to awareness, to inner truth? In his eye, as they say, usually the deck is not visible, so you need intermediaries, assistants who will give support from the outside.

Also, the 2nd house of the horoscope is responsible for our right eye. If you have problems with the right eye, this is also one of the signs of damage to the second house of the horoscope.

The planet that is the karaka (indicator) of the 2nd house is the planet Jupiter.

The third house of the horoscope (Sahaja bhava)

The third house of the horoscope (Sahaja bhava) is the house of one's own efforts. He shows the strength of will, courage, determination, ability to act, to take risks, to adventurism in the good sense of the word. It shows how much we are able to make our own efforts, to realize something in our lives on our own. A person with a strong third home is able to achieve a lot in this life, to change a lot, thanks to their own efforts.

The third house shows the ability to build relationships with other people, our various creative abilities: literature, drama, artistry, production. Tertiary people are great actors, singers, dancers, musicians, people who work with their hands, they are very good book authors and publishers.

These are people who create something with their own hands: repair, create, write and draw.

The third house is also the house of our younger brothers and sisters. People with a strong third home have good, wonderful relationships with siblings. Such people will have great willpower and success.

The third house also gives short trips, short-distance travel: it can be trips to and from work, as well as trips somewhere out of town for the weekend, short trips abroad: business trips or weekend trips on a tour.

If the house is damaged, there will be some problems on these trips: there may be some accidents or thefts.

The third house is also responsible for the right ear, shoulder area, and arms. If there are problems with the hands (a person cannot raise his hand or fasten, or cannot write), or when people are told that "the hands have grown from one place", it means that the third house is damaged and needs to be healed.

Such people often have parents in childhood, who close all their creative abilities, deprive them of opportunities for self-expression. The child wants to express himself, and he is told: "a bear has stepped on your ear, it is better to be silent", or "like a chicken paw you write, you draw, it is better not to take". In this way, these abilities are closed to people, but everything can be returned. These injuries are not fatal, they are not a sentence, they are something that needs to be revealed in this life, where you need to make an effort.

When we make an effort, we rediscover the realm of this home, and then the universe helps us. And when the damage to the house is reduced, and in other areas there are improvements.

To harmonize the 3rd house it is necessary to keep a diary, draw, engage in some creativity: singing, dancing, embroidering, etc. You need to find creative abilities, where we are drawn, where interesting.

Also, if there are siblings, it is necessary to heal the relationship with them, to move to a new level in communication with them.

It is worth noting that any damage in our horoscope is ours, it is not about a brother or sister, not about how bad they are, but about the fact that we are given such karma. We needed these lessons, these relationships, and that's why we need to heal them, not our brothers and sisters. By correcting this relationship, we automatically give ourselves vitality and vital energy.

Karaka (indicator) of this house is the planet Mars, because it is responsible for brothers, sisters and life energy.

Be continued...

